Did you know that For Sale By Owner homes sometimes sell for less on average than homes listed by an agent? The end result is that some FSBO sellers could end up with less cash than if they paid commission to an agent. The single most difficult task for a FSBO is accurately pricing your home to sell.
In many situations, a strong decision is to sell with a real-estate agent who charges lower rates. So if you do decide to list your home For Sale By Owner, make sure to do your research and educate yourself for maximum returns.
Zillow and its sister site Trulia are two of the leading real estate sites. Even though neither caters exclusively to FSBO homes, they have features that allow sellers to post for sale by owner properties. It’s free to list a house on Zillow, and all Zillow listings appear on Trulia automatically.
To post your FSBO listing on Zillow and Trulia, all you have to do is create a Zillow account, then begin uploading photos and putting in the description details, such as the number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and amenities.